The Intersection of IRL and the Digital… FILMMAKER MAGAZINE
Remembrance of Things Future… LACMA Unframed
Sarah Zucker & Amir H. Fallah OUTLAND
Ahead of Her Time OUTLAND
The Smoke is Clearing… THE TELEGRAPH
The Untold Story of the NFT Boom THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE
Meet the Millenial Creators making six figures selling NFTs CNBC
Interview: Sarah Zucker ALLSHIPS
Techgnosis and Apocalypse: The Crypto Art of Sarah Zucker MEDIUM
Sarah Zucker on the Importance of Making Crypto Friends FOUNDATION
An Exploration of High Weirdness: Interviewing Sarah Zucker SUPERRARE
Meeting Chaos Halfway with Sarah Zucker on THIRD EYE DROPS
Sarah Zucker on THAT’S NIFTY
Stealing Fire, Profound Play and the Power of Myth with Sarah Zucker on THIRD EYE DROPS
NFTs and the Cassandra Complex with Sarah Zucker on ARTIST DECODED
Ep: 17: Sarah Zucker on ART SENSE
Artist Spotlight: Sarah Zucker, The Sarah Show on PROOF with KEVIN ROSE
The Odd Frontiers of Creation with Sarah Zucker on THIRD EYE DROPS
On Being a Crypto Art OG and Helping the NFT Community Prosper on NFTNOW
Sarah Zucker | We’re All Handling This Very Badly on THIRD EYE DROPS
Sarah Zucker on THE COSMIC NOD
Process video for STRABISMUS, a 2024 series conjuring Depth out of Time by Sarah Zucker
Process Video for TEMPORALE, a 2023 series of Time tapestries by Sarah Zucker
Sarah Zucker presentation at WTF NFT? at The Hammer Museum, June 2022.
Sarah Zucker live talk at NFT In America at the Montalban Theater in Hollywood, March 2022.
Winner Sarah Zucker, from Los Angeles, CA, discusses her experience on Jeopardy! with Kelly from the Clue Crew.
Sarah Zucker on the NFTNow Podcast – On Being a Crypto Art OG and helping the NFT community prosper.
Sarah Zucker talking with VerticalCryptoArt about her art journey and the Museum of Crypto Art on the eve of the Sotheby’s “Natively Digital” Sale.
Sarah Zucker interviewed by curator Sarah Moosvi about “The Cassandra Complex,” my NFT collection on
SuperRare Spotlight – @thesarahshow. Chatting with artist SamJ about my journey as an artist and experience in the crypto art space.
Panel about NFTs and the emerging Crypto Art Space for ETHBerlin 2020. Moderated by Lindsay Howard, with panelists Sarah Zucker, Blake Kathryn and Matt Condon.
Sarah Zucker: OG CryptoArtist. Kernel Fellowship Fireside – Redefining Ownership.
The Art of YoMeryl documentary about Bronwyn Lundberg and Sarah Zucker from HereTV.